Currently there is only one framerate setting per server.  Please edit the settings.json file on the server and bounce the runner and lipstick services for the setting to take effect. The settings file is located in:


Make a time-stamped backup of cp settings.json 

cp settings.json settings.json.$(date +%Y%m%d)

Or alternatively:
cp /opt/caraone/dist/settings/settings.json /opt/caraone/dist/settings/settings.json.$(date +%Y%m%d)

Find the framerate setting and change it appropriately.  Save the changes.


Then bounce the services.  You can use this one-liner command to make it easier

systemctl stop runner ; systemctl stop lipstick ; systemctl start lipstick ; sleep 60 ; systemctl status lipstick ; read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..." ; systemctl start runner