In single server environments you often want to set analyzing new content for night hours thus freeing the GPU of the server for searching, AskCaraOne, and predictive timeline tool in the day.  Please edit the settings.json file on the server and bounce the runner and lipstick services for the setting to take affect. the settings file is located in:


Make a time stamped backup of cp settings.json 

cp settings.json settings.json.$(date +%Y%m%d)

Execute the date command to verify the time settings on the system

Example "INDEX_TIMES" setting for starting the analysis at 7 PM and stopping again at 8 AM

Look for INDEX_TIMES and edit






then stop the runner and lipstick, wait, check status of lipstick.  You can use this one-liner command to make it easier

systemctl stop runner ; systemctl stop lipstick ; systemctl start lipstick ; sleep 60 ; systemctl status lipstick ; read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..." ; systemctl start runner

Check activity on the server with the command htop and watch for lipstick processes and run watch -n 1 nvidia-smi to see the load on the GPU.