To install the CaraOne Client obtain the link from technical support and go to CaraOne > Clients
Move to the Application folder on the Macintosh HD
Double click once and quit. This is to create the caraone.json file.
Create a copy of ~/Library/Application Support/com.ObviousFuture.CaraOne/caraone.json. as a backup and store it in a safe place
Edit the ~/Library/Application Support/com.ObviousFuture.CaraOne/caraone.json file, see example file below and check the json via a checker for example:
Working from the top down, change these lines to match your specific team setup. If you only have one team you will only need to edit and distribute one version of the json file to all clients. Repeat for each unique team in your environment.
"UserID": "", "EncodeBackendURI": "http://:9091", "ProxyPath": "/Volumes/", "ThumbnailPath": "/Volumes/", "ThumbnailPathDocuments": "/Volumes/", "ServerPath": "", "LocalPath": ""
Example JSON:
{ "FileVersion": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Build": 4, "Commit": "" }, "Server": { "UserID": "scalelogic", "EncodeBackendURI": "", "ProxyPath": "/Volumes/flash/media/proxy/scalelogic", "ThumbnailPath": "/Volumes/flash/media/thumbnails/scalelogic", "ThumbnailPathDocuments": "/Volumes/flash/media/docimg/scalelogic", "IndexingTimeout": 2.0 }, "Auth": { "Username": "", "Email": "", "Password": "" }, "BehaviourSettings": { "AutoplayOnThumbClick": true, "AutoFocusSliceOnLoad": true, "UIScale": 1.2, "AskCaraOneFontSize": 13.0, "DocumentsFontSize": 13.0, "ScrollSensitivity": 1.0, "AutoSaveTime": 2.0 }, "VideoPlayerSettings": { "SkipTime": 0.1, "SkipTimeFast": 5.0 }, "PathTranslationSettings": { "Tuples": [ { "ServerPath": "/mnt/flash/media/video/Scale Logic", "LocalPath": "/Volumes/flash/media/video/Scale Logic" }] }, "DeleteOlderLogsDays": 3, "LogVerbosity": "Normal", "UserProfile": "", "ExperimentalFeatures": true }