Applicability: CaraOne install on Windows Clients

Prerequisites:  The client must be able to ping the AI Node to be on the same network, WAN, VPN, etc.  The CaraOne AI Node and clients need ports 8080 and 9091 open.  Changing these ports is cabable on the server side port setting.  If using Premiere the client also needs port 3000 open.  It is required the client has the proxy and thumbnail folders mounted in addition to the high-resolution storage locations.


Get the latest Windows (or Mac) download link from support.  

Unzip and copy to a desired location, like C:\CaraOne, but CaraOne will launch from anywhere.  Delete your old version since you should never need it.  Launching the old version by mistake will cause unneeded problems.  


In the unzipped folder, launch CaraOne for the first time.  However, quit once it's launched, as it will create the CaraOne.json file needed for further configuration.

Locate the Windows client config file by substituting your username for your PC user.
Path:  "C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\ObviousFuture\CaraOne"
There, find the CaraOne.json file with the settings and edit with Notepad or a similar editor.

Pro Tip:  A quick way to get to this folder is go to explorer, open "%appdata%" and it will put you into C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming.  Go up one level and quickly traverse to "LocalLow" where you will find ObviousFuture. 

Pro Tip: After you have tested CaraOne for a given team, you can copy a .json file from your working Windows client and put it on new machines to complete installations quicker.  If the .json exists already on the new one you are deploying, you can either delete the existing .json file or just rename it to something else.


Working from the top down, change these lines to match your specific team setup.  If you have only one team you will only need to edit and distribute one version of the json file to all clients.  Repeat for each unique team in your environment.


     "UserID": "",
"EncodeBackendURI": "http://:9091",
"ProxyPath": "",
"ThumbnailPath": "",
"ThumbnailPathDocuments": "",
"ServerPath": "",
"LocalPath": ""

Check the json via a checker for example:

Example JSON:

Check the bolded lines in the below example.  Set the UserID appropriately.  Set your URL's to the correct IP address of your CaraOne server.  Ensure the Proxy and Thumbnail path are set correctly as CaraOne needs access to the proxies and thumbnails the server creates.  Notice the formatting for Windows machines with the extra "\".  Set the "LocalPath" to the high res location so that the action button of the CaraOne can point to the high res.

  "FileVersion": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Build": 0
  "Server": {
    "UserID": "scalelogic1",
    "EncodeBackendURI": "",
    "ProxyPath": "F:\\media\\proxy\\scalelogic1_proxy",
    "ThumbnailPath": "F:\\media\\thumbnails\\scalelogic1_thumbnails",
    "MediaPath": "/Volumes/MyDir/",
    "IndexingTimeout": 2.0
  "Auth": {
    "Username": "",
    "Email": "",
    "Password": ""
  "BehaviourSettings": {
    "AutoplayOnThumbClick": true,
    "AutoFocusSliceOnLoad": true,
    "UIScale": 1.2,
    "ScrollSensitivity": 1.0
  "VideoPlayerSettings": {
    "SkipTime": 0.1,
    "SkipTimeFast": 5.0
  "PathTranslationSettings": {
    "Tuples": [
        "ServerPath": "/mnt/flash/media/video/Scale Logic",
        "LocalPath": "F:\\media\\video\\Scale Logic"
  "LogVerbosity": "Normal"

Test the client by launching and searching for something.  If all is working you will see thumbnails and proxy files.  You can copy this CaraOne.json to other clients once you have a working client system.  If you are working with Avid you are set.  If working with Adobe continue to Adobe Integration.